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Bob and I had a good breakfast morning, it was crackers & milk, the milk we bought of a man who had it in camp to sell, paying 5 cts a quart twas quite a scarcity and was very good, I would like to have it often.
Those papers you sent were very acceptable, as they contained a great deal of interesting reading matter I would like if you can, for you to send me one every week. you get them pretty well read by monday morning, if you could send them then I would generaly get them that week. There is not as much Novel reading here as I expected to see. It may be because the boys have not had time, but I think most of them would rather have more solid reading matter.
There is another good feature about this regiment they are not quarrelsome. I have not seen nor heard of a fight since the regiment has been in the service, which is rather a rare thing where so large a body are together.
Is this lead pencil writing easily read when it gets there or not. I would write with ink but it is so unhandy to carry. I must now close as it is nearly church time. My love to all.
Your brother Theophilus L. Todd
P.S. tell Anna I saw lots of little girls in Louisville the other day, waving their little flags and halloing Hurrah for the union, at the soldiers as they passed but I saw none that suited me so well as my little Black eyed sister.
U.S. Civil War 1861-1865, Louisville, Kentucky, Exhibits