Streaming Media

Session Type

Workshop session

Start Date

20-8-2020 10:00 AM


Facilitators: Clayton Lino, Speleologist, Coordinator, Mata Atlantica Biosphere Reserve, Brazil and Lee Anne Bledsoe, Research Hydrologist, Assistant Director, Crawford Hydrology Laboratory at WKU

The CaveMAB network ( is an informal thematic network within the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere (MAB) program. CaveMAB was recently formed in 2018 and hopes to connect people from the more than 100 biosphere reserves with cave and/or karst resources across the globe. The network is multidisciplinary and plans to address the similar challenges we all face, whether social, educational, cultural, or scientific, in protecting the biodiversity of the unique cave and karst environments within Biosphere Reserves (BR). The goal of this workshop was to reach alignment around shared values and vision for the CaveMAB network and choose and activity to celebrate the International Year of Caves and Karst 2021 and MAB's 50th Anniversary. Anyone working in a cave or karst BR, whether it be via direct BR management or through partner agencies, is encouraged to join.


This presentation was part of the Workshops Session:

Thematic workshops facilitate collaboration between international resource protection programs and to inform karst conservation, sustainable development, and community involvement efforts in the world’s premier karst regions. Workshops are 1.5-hour blocks of time that were organized to achieve a specific outcome.


Aug 20th, 10:00 AM


Facilitators: Clayton Lino, Speleologist, Coordinator, Mata Atlantica Biosphere Reserve, Brazil and Lee Anne Bledsoe, Research Hydrologist, Assistant Director, Crawford Hydrology Laboratory at WKU

The CaveMAB network ( is an informal thematic network within the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere (MAB) program. CaveMAB was recently formed in 2018 and hopes to connect people from the more than 100 biosphere reserves with cave and/or karst resources across the globe. The network is multidisciplinary and plans to address the similar challenges we all face, whether social, educational, cultural, or scientific, in protecting the biodiversity of the unique cave and karst environments within Biosphere Reserves (BR). The goal of this workshop was to reach alignment around shared values and vision for the CaveMAB network and choose and activity to celebrate the International Year of Caves and Karst 2021 and MAB's 50th Anniversary. Anyone working in a cave or karst BR, whether it be via direct BR management or through partner agencies, is encouraged to join.