Publication Date


Advisor(s) - Committee Chair

Randall Capps (Director), Kyong Chon, Cecile Garmon, Robert Hatfield

Degree Program

Educational Leadership Doctoral Program

Degree Type

Doctor of Education


Videoconferencing technologies are being increasingly utilized in today’s business and educational environments. However, implementation rates continue to be lower than projected, and user perceptions on the level of collaborative environment provided by videoconferencing rooms vary widely, depending on room design. This study found that, while few videoconferencing professional characteristics impact the level of collaborative environment designed for end-users, the perceived closeness levels provided to end-users significantly impacted their perceptions on the technology. The study also found that videoconferencing professionals’ views and end-users’ views on the level of collaboration within videoconferencing environments vary significantly. By shifting the design of videoconferencing rooms from a technology-centric view to a more collaborative-centric view, end-user satisfaction improves. For business and educational applications, improved levels of collaboration will result in more productive and meaningful communications.


Curriculum and Instruction | Educational Leadership | Educational Methods | Instructional Media Design
