DLPS Faculty Publications


A presentation in the WKU Libraries Department of Public Service's "We've Been Everywhere" series, given by Lisa K. Miller in Helm Library on October 28, 2014.


This Powerpoint presentation offers an overview of some of Ireland's greatest writers, from Dublin, Limerick and the West, and Belfast and the North. Includes an audio file of W.B. Yeats reading "The Lake Isle of Innisfree." The Powerpoint is available below under "Additional Files."


English Language and Literature | Higher Education | Library and Information Science | Literature in English, British Isles

DSC_0156.JPG (1966 kB)
Lisa K. Miller at podium

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Lisa's memory quilt of her first trip to Ireland

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Lisa and Dr. Brian Coutts doing a Brian Friel mock interview

A Literary Tour of Ireland.pptx (19606 kB)
Powerpoint of A Literary Tour of Ireland
