"Lee Allen, Son of Gersham Allen" by Steve Malone and Manuscripts & Folklife Archives

Genealogical Records



Much of what is contained in this booklet is derived from research in my book The Pioneer Williams Families of Smith Township, Posey County, Indiana . Since so much time has passed since the publication of that book, it is impossible for me to recollect, from amongst those whose efforts were acknowledged therein, who should be specifically attributed as having helped me to arrive at the point of writing this book. But to all who have helped to piece this puzzle together, whether their contributions were tiny or large, your help is very gratefully acknowledged and appreciated.

Lee Allen lived in Warren, Allen and Simpson Counties between 1806 and the late 1820s, when he migrated to Indiana to be near some of his children. A few of his children remained in Simpson County and the surrounding area for generations afterward. His father and brothers stopped in Warren County for about 5 years before migrating elsewhere, with one brother and his family living in Adair County, Kentucky for at least a couple of decades.


An account of the fate of Leeander Allen, Baptist elder and country doctor, and the names of his many children, correcting numerous red herrings that have obscured some of this information from being known to other Allen researchers. Also, his ancestors and known siblings


Genealogy | United States History
