Manuscript Collection Finding Aids
Publication Date
Finding aid only for Manuscripts Small Collection 3152. Materials relating to the 2017 solar eclipse as experienced primarily in Bowling Green and Hopkinsville, Kentucky and vicinity. Includes viewing glasses, first day stamped covers, stickers, art work, photographs (in digital format), promotional materials, and impressions of the eclipse contributed as part of WKU’s Department of Library Special Collections’ “Tell Us About Your Eclipse Day” project. Also includes wristbands, handouts and volunteer information relating to an eclipse viewing event for schoolchildren held at WKU’s Smith-Houchens Stadium. Digital photographs are stored in the Photo Archives.
Astrophysics and Astronomy | Stars, Interstellar Medium and the Galaxy | United States History
Recommended Citation
Folklife Archives, Manuscripts &, "Solar Eclipse, 2017 (SC 3152)" (2018). Manuscript Collection Finding Aids. Paper 4378.
Solar Eclipse 2017 Compilation
This collection is archived in the Manuscripts & Folklife Archives at Western Kentucky University; 270-745-5083, mssfa@wku.edu