"Weir Family Collection (MSS 651)" by Manuscripts & Folklife Archives

Manuscript Collection Finding Aids

Publication Date



This collection is archived in the Manuscripts & Folklife Archives at Western Kentucky University; 270-745-5083, mssfa@wku.edu


Finding aid for Manuscripts Collection 651. Letters and papers of the Weir family of Muhlenberg County, Kentucky, and related members of the Rumsey and Miller families. Well-to-do merchants and farmers, the Weirs were leading supporters of the Union during the Civil War, providing advocacy, financial support, and military service. Includes full-text scans of a letter from the brother of steamboat pioneer James Rumsey defending his legacy as an innovator; James Weir's journal; James Weir's will; the annotated recollections of Edward Weir, Sr.; and two letters from former Weir slaves recolonized in Liberia (Click on "Additional files" below).


Mechanical Engineering | Military History | United States History

MSS 651 B1F8 James Weir journal.doc.pdf (13432 kB)
Journal of James Weir

james weir will additional file.doc (7856 kB)
Will of James Weir

MSS 651 B1F12 Edward Weir Memoir.doc (11444 kB)
Edward Weir recollections

MSS 651 B1F4 Edward Rumsey letter and typescript.pdf (539 kB)
Edward Rumsey letter and typescript

MSS 651 B1F17 E. Weir and Lewis Weir letters and typescripts.pdf (933 kB)
E. Weir and Lewis Weir letters from Liberia



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