Manuscript Collection Finding Aids
Publication Date
Finding aid and scans (Click on "Additional Files" below) for Manuscripts Small Collection 1588. Photocopies of the records of Dripping Spring Baptist Church, Olmstead (Logan County), Kentucky, 14 December 1850-31 March 1900; includes name indexes. Also included is a 125th anniversary program for the church, which incorporates a brief church history and a drawing of the building.
Religion | United States History
Recommended Citation
Folklife Archives, Manuscripts &, "Dripping Spring Baptist Church - Logan County, Kentucky (SC 1588)" (2008). Manuscript Collection Finding Aids. Paper 967.
SC 1588 Dripping Spring pp 61-120.pdf (7065 kB)
SC 1588 Dripping Spring pp 121-184.pdf (6389 kB)
SC 1588 Dripping Spring Index 1.pdf (306 kB)
SC 1588 Dripping Spring Index 2.pdf (149 kB)
SC 1588 Dripping Spring Index 3.pdf (401 kB)
SC 1588 Dripping Spring 125th program.pdf (377 kB)
This collection is archived in the Manuscripts & Folklife Archives at Western Kentucky University; 270-745-5083, mssfa@wku.edu