"UA3/3/1 Unnamed Map of WKU & Jonesville Property" by Unknown



Publication Date



Oversize map separated from UA3/3/1 Kelly Thompson Subject/Correspondence File box 33, folders 18-22. Additional information regarding the Jonesville urban renewal project is available in that series. Copies of documents can be obtained for a fee, contact archives@wku.edu.

Entire map has not been scanned.


Unnamed map by unknown cartographer of Western Kentucky University and Jonesville property to be acquired through urban renewal, 1 sheet, 22" x 15". Legend includes existing and proposed buildings and proposed streets. The map is oriented to the southwest. The boundaries are 14th Street on the northeast, Chestnut & State Street and Normal Drive on the east, University Drive on the southwest, the L&N railroad on the north and US68 on the northwest.

The map was filed with documents dating from 1961-1965. The agreement allowing WKU's acquisition of the Jonesville property is dated 1963.


African American Studies | Geography | Social History | United States History | Urban, Community and Regional Planning | Urban Studies and Planning
