Publication Date
Broadside of thanks from Company A of the 27th Tank Battalion of the 20th Armored Division. The inscription is: To those of you who made our lives happier. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts. The broadside was signed by the members of the battalion and it includes a photograph of a tank.
Notations and signatures: Cpl. Bob "Red" Irwin Pvt. Jack "Snafu" Arkush Co. Capt. T. Piuhl T/5 Francis W. Cassidy Pvt. Ray F. Kitchen (K.) T/5 "Slugger" Derkman Cpl. "Sloan" Mullens (?) T/5 Ed Larger Sgt. George E. Blosus Cpl. Bruce Keating Pfc. Melvin Sveltenfucs "Irish" St. M. Heane "Johnny" Cpl. James H. Holmes Cpl. "Chuck" Buttell Rudolph O. Houston Old Sgt. Harry Kelby (Canteen Commandos) Keith Walker Peter Colosi Cpl. Merle V. Stul Bill Arensen Sgt. Robert Spencer Cpl. Dean Fountain Cpl. W. Stewart Pv.t Matt F. Adam P.V.T. Robert N. Cooksey "Tough Boy," Ky" Cpl. Keith Walker Harold "Andy" Anderson Pvt. Toby Korolkoff PFC. Larry Hison Pvt. Harry N. Miller Sgt. Samuel Chevuria Stock, Larry St. R.D. McMillan "Mac" Sgt. Harold J. Schreiner "Toothless" Carl Giordano "Unk" T/5 Frank S. Lisowski "Polack" Cpl. William Liptak Sgt. Johnnie Malish, Pennsylvania Cpl. Vincent E. Scutaro Sgt. S. Grabowski PFC Raymond Hoffman Pvt. Donald M. Nolan "Spooks" Emil Napolitane B'pt. Conn Cpl. Herb Peterson Cpl. John Gill Pvt. E.W. Sadorsky Cpl. Joe Brockin (?), Corn Cpl. Harold W. Heil, Queens, NY Pfc. Morton Katz Len Kowalski, C'dale, Pa. Cpl. Melvin J. Brown "houer" Pvt. Richard H. Finck Pvt. R.E. Brown Pfc. Victor F. Diaz Cpl. John Gill
European History | Graphic Design | Illustration | Military History | United States History
Recommended Citation
Unknown, "UA1C12 Co. A 27th Tank Battalion, 20th Armored Division Broadside" (1943). WKU Archives Records. Paper 2156.
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European History Commons, Graphic Design Commons, Illustration Commons, Military History Commons, United States History Commons
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