Publication Date
WKU Fine Arts Festival brochure listing events for the 1975-76 school year. Includes information about Eugene Fodor, the New Shakespeare Company, the Multigravitational Experiment Group, Emlyn Williams, the Prague Madrigal Antigua, the Pittsburgh Symphony Chamber Orchestra, the City Center Acting Company and Garrick Ohlsson. It also gives a list of exhibitions, films and theatrical productions to be presented through the year.
Acting | Art and Design | Arts and Humanities | Dance | Film and Media Studies | Fine Arts | Music | Music Performance | Theatre and Performance Studies
Recommended Citation
WKU Potter College of Arts & Letters, "UA68/1/2/2 Fine Arts Festival" (1975). WKU Archives Records. Paper 3052.
Included in
Acting Commons, Art and Design Commons, Dance Commons, Film and Media Studies Commons, Fine Arts Commons, Music Performance Commons