Publication Date



The WKU Student Honors Research Bulletin is dedicated to scholarly involvement and student research. These papers are representative of work done by students from throughout the university.

  • Balyeat, Douglas. Expectations Gap: Where Were the Auditors?
  • Brown, Kaye. Larry McMurtry: Saddle Up or Leave the Old West Behind
  • Fridy, Geraldine. Stephen Crane's Maggie. Another Example of Patriarchal Misogyny?
  • Hazelwood, Shirley and Kay Redfern. Effectiveness of Psychosocial rehabilitation Programs: Do They Make a Difference in the Re-hospitalization of the Mentally Ill?
  • Johnson, Sean. Effects of Time-out as a Procedure to Decrease Maladaptive Behavior
  • Leibering, Elisa, Michelle Nye and LauraLee Wilson. Euthanasia: Legal, Ethical and Moral Considerations
  • Phipps, Harold. Accounting for Employees' Postretirement Benefits
  • Schock, Sandy. Type A and Type B Behaviors: Misconceptions and Realities
  • Smith, Kelli. The Exploitation of Antarctica
  • Sparks, David. Corporate Charitable Contributions: Is Philanthropy an Appropriate Use of Funds?
  • Wooden, Diana. Just-in-Time: The Theory and Its Implementation


Accounting | American Literature | Business | Business Law, Public Responsibility, and Ethics | Child Psychology | Environmental Sciences | Ethics and Political Philosophy | Gifted Education | Higher Education | Human Resources Management | Medicine and Health Sciences | Mental Disorders | Natural Resource Economics | Psychiatry and Psychology | Rehabilitation and Therapy
