Publication Date
A campus guide for Western Kentucky State College by DFH, 2 sheets measuring 8 1/2 x 11. The map shows the following buildings and features:
- Administration Building - Van Meter Hall
- Library - Gordon Wilson Hall
- Cherry Hall
- Training School
- Cedar House - Faculty House
- Home Economics Building razed 1982
- Industrial Arts
- Physical Education Building - Helm Library
- Swimming Pool - site of Cravens Library
- Home Economic Practice House
- Music Building razed 1975
- Rural School razed 1955
- Dormitory under construction - McLean Hall
- West Hall - Schneider Hall
- Potter Hall
- President's Home - Craig Administration Building
- Kentucky Building
- Ogden Hall razed 1966
- Snell Hall razed
- Rock House razed
- Athlete's Dorm - Diddle Dorm
- Heating Plant
- Industrial Arts Lumber Shed
- College Baseball Diamond
- Practice Football Field
- Training School Baseball Diamond
- Tennis Courts
- Western Trade School
- Veterans Village
- Agriculture Pavilion
- Cherrytown
- Steel Barracks
- Stadium
Geography | Higher Education Administration | Physical and Environmental Geography | Urban, Community and Regional Planning
Recommended Citation
WKU Planning, Design & Construction, "UA30/1/1 A Campus Guide for Western Kentucky State College" (1949). WKU Archives Records. Paper 3569.
Included in
Higher Education Administration Commons, Physical and Environmental Geography Commons, Urban, Community and Regional Planning Commons