Publication Date
WKU campus newspaper reporting campus, athletic and Bowling Green, Kentucky news. Regular features include:
- Hilltopics
- Looking Backward
- The Chapel Hour
- Weddings – Engagements
- Personals
- Music Notes
- Daily Doings
- The Service Column
- Spikes, Cleats & Sneakers
- Faculty Notes
- Here and There
- Quotable Quotes
This issue contains articles:
- Training School Seniors to Hear W.L. Matthews
- Alva Matherly, Marjorie Rickman, Marion Miller are Named as 1994-45 College Heights Herald Staff Heads
- Rev. W.B. Myll to Speak at Baccalaureate
- Former Student Plans Lounge for Air Force – Robert Mustard
- Rural School Sponsors First Homecoming
- Bennewitz, Joe. Poet Laureate Pictures Kentucky, “Vacation Stop”
- Former Students Commissioned at Fort Benning
- W.L. Matthews Elected President of Schoolmasters Club
- Faulconer, Pal. A-S Paul Gauntz is Veteran of 44 Missions in Pacific Area
- Miss Margaret Godecker Receives Kiwanis Scholarship Medal
- Take Time Out for God
- A Happy Medium
- What is the Student’s Duty
- Medical, Dental Students Visit on Campus
- Haselwood, Eugene. College High Seniors Present ‘Ever Since Eve’
- Western Girls Go GI at Fort Knox
- Lt. Ralph Pittman Takes Part in Raid
- Veteran Pilot Now Commands Squad – Justis Foster
- Rural School Gives Mothers Day Program
- Dr. Horace Huddle, Ogden Graduate, Does Chemistry Research With Teaching
- Kiwanis Club Sponsors Program by Musical Echoes
- Mary Edith Kinnnaman Offered Scholarship
- James Willoughby Stars as ‘Uncle Harry’
- General Assembly Records Sent to Kentucky Library
- Aircraft Trades to be Taught at Trade School
- Aviation Students Soon to Present Variety Show
- Margaret Skinner Makes Honors
- College High Chorus to Present Chapel Program
- Dr. and Mrs. Earl Moore Entertain Seniors
- Program Presented by Kindergarten, 1st Grade
- Club Notes – Chemistry, Cadet Wives, Iva Scott, History, Biology
- Girls Offered Scholarships by Curtis-Wright Corporation
- Leland Stowe Writes of Russia—Our Ally
- Faulconer, Pal. We Salute Hal Gilmore, Freshman President
- Courier-Journal Carries Story on Western Grad – Nadine Shipley
- Thumb-Nail Sketches of Students – Jimmy Barry, Frances Wilson, Joe Meers, Sue Weir, Joe Stephens, Eileen Brooks, Jeane Payne, Jane Henry, George Riggs, Peggy Thompson, Janet Hales, Opal Osborne, Shirley Leslie, Lucille McMurtry, Gwen Billings, Dorothy Grise, Edna Davis, Elizabeth Young, Annie Lamb, Gwen Beiler, Ed Haile, Muriel Dann
- Bowling Green Attorney Gives Gifts to Library – John Rodes
- Tennis Tourney Entries Reach Semi-Finals
- ROTC Unit on Hill Holds Annual Inspection
- State Cattle Sale Held on Campus
- Native of Syria Addresses Group – Theodore Boushy
- Fourth Grade Students Give Mexican Program
- Miss Mary Rice Presents Grade Music Festival
- Army Award Given Students
- 100 Kinds of Birds Seen by Dr. Gordon Wilson
- Winfred Craft Promoted to Lieutenant Colonel
- English Class Presents Play at Kiwanis Club
- Mortimer Adler Writes of Peace to Come
- Westerners to Act as Camp Counsels
- Westerner Leads for Blue Barron – Tommy Ryan
- Transfer Students Now Number 39
Communication | Higher Education Administration | Journalism Studies | Mass Communication | Military History | Public Relations and Advertising | Social and Behavioral Sciences | Social History | Social Influence and Political Communication | Sociology | Sports Studies | United States History | Women's History
Recommended Citation
WKU Student Affairs, "UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 20, No. 16" (1944). WKU Archives Records. Paper 4510.
Included in
Higher Education Administration Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, Mass Communication Commons, Military History Commons, Public Relations and Advertising Commons, Social History Commons, Social Influence and Political Communication Commons, Sociology Commons, Sports Studies Commons, United States History Commons, Women's History Commons