Publication Date
WKU campus newspaper reporting campus, athletic and Bowling Green, Kentucky news. Regular features include:
- Society Page
- Faculty Notes
- Personals
- Kentucky Building News
- Spikes, Cleats & Sneakers
- Alumni Flashes
- Birds I View
- Your Manners are Showing
This issue contains articles:
- 100 Will Receive Degrees Tonights
- James Newman Warns Germans to Curb Disturbances
- Charles Loudermilk, Nick Diachenko Win Speech Contests
- Students Enroll Monday Morning
- 17 Grads Exempt
- 75 Gridders to Hold Practice
- Open Shop Today – Industrial Arts
- Charles Wheeler, Dewey Brown Receive Medals
- Owens, John. Walter Nalbach Practices What He Teaches; Has Made All Furniture in His Home
- Edgar Stansbury May Leave Western
- Gordon Wilson Speaks to 51 Seniors
- The World is Your Oyster
- Select Talisman Staff
- Twenty-Five Golden Years
- Harry Morton Awarded Army Commendation Ribbon
- Glenn Nippert is Candidate
- Ten of Twelve to Return This Summer
- Clark, O.V. Miss Julia Neal’s Book Reveals History of the Shakers
- 10 Get Scholarships
- Dances of All Nations Featured in Recital
- Instructors at Banquet
- Wheeler, Charles. Col, Henry Underwood Places Manuscript Collection in Kentucky Library
- James Willoughby Elected to Medical Fraternity
- Josephine Rigsby Wins Youth Scholarship
- Club Notes – Congress Debating, Pershing Rifles, Biology, Psychology, History
- Chet Redmon Hurls 4-2 Win Over Vanderbilt
- Netters Waltz to Easy Win Over Xavier, 7-0
- Talisman Dedicated to Exemplary Scholars
- White, Leta. Pastels, Posters Decorate Walls at Art Exhibit
- Toppers Blank Murray, 4-0, 1-0
- Louisville Golfer Fall
- Norman Head Runner-Up in Medal Play – Golf
- Dee Gibson, Bill Lacy Win Tennis Titles
- Tom Ward, Joe Cullen First in Meet
- 33 Get Letters
Communication | Higher Education Administration | Journalism Studies | Mass Communication | Military History | Public Relations and Advertising | Social and Behavioral Sciences | Social History | Social Influence and Political Communication | Sociology | Sports Studies | United States History | Women's History
Recommended Citation
WKU Student Affairs, "UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 24, No. 16" (1947). WKU Archives Records. Paper 4563.
Included in
Higher Education Administration Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, Mass Communication Commons, Military History Commons, Public Relations and Advertising Commons, Social History Commons, Social Influence and Political Communication Commons, Sociology Commons, Sports Studies Commons, United States History Commons, Women's History Commons