Publication Date
WKU campus newspaper reporting campus, athletic and Bowling Green, Kentucky news. Regular features include:
- Book Marks
- Religious News
- Hilltopics
- Musical Notes
- Social Activities Calendar
- Faculty Facts
- Society
- Looking Backward
- ROTC News
- Kentucky Building
This issue contains articles:
- ROTC Awards Day Today in Stadium
- Calender for Fall Semester is Released
- 800 Attend Annual Kentucky Education Association Breakfast
- Enrollment Rises Above 3,500 Mark
- 3,000 High School Students Here Today for Senior Day Activities
- Annual Talisman Ball Set for Friday, May 13
- Kentucky Student National Education Association Elects Sharon Goff 1960-61 President
- Harry Gray Receives National Science Foundation Fellowship
- Dickey, Bob. New Science Building to Cost $1,500,000 – Thompson Science Complex
- Western Grad New President of Women Deans – Lillian Johnson
- May 4, 5, and 6 are Dates for Picnic
- 8,000 College Heights Heralds Printed Today
- Wood, Mary. Are Grades Everything?
- Covington, Tom. It’s Your Class Too!
- Veterans Village Forms Mock City Government
- Home Management House has Six New Residents
- Joint Science Picnic is Set for Tonight
- Important Dates Listed for Graduating Seniors
- Student National Education Association Group Assisting With Senior Day
- John Foe Named Assistant to Registrar
- Western Debaters Win Top Ratings
- Iva Scott Nominates Officers
- Western Grad Travels to Rome, Italy – Arvin Upton
- Jerry Goad and Neil Myers to Attend Boys Girls States
- Art Department Plans Student Show in May
- Ornithological Group Meets on Campus
- Two Scholarships Offered by PTA
- Biology Club Hears Dr. Jesse T. Funk During April Meeting
- E.G. Monroe Heads Kentucky Art Educators
- Dr. Ward Sumpter Elected Chemistry Councilor
- College High Girl Wins State Essay Contest – Marilyn Meredith
- Civil Defense Class Begins Sessions at College High
- Kentucky English Council Elects Dr. Willson Wood First Vice-President
- Western Players Package Show is 1:30 Today
- President’s Home Entrance Completed by Physical Staff
- L.T. Smith Honored by West Kentucky Industrial Education Association
- Miss Universe Contest Open to Western Girls
- Toppers Defeat Murray Here by Score of 5-2
- Larry Nutter Scheduled to Coach at Shawnee
- Harry Todd Undergoes Foot Surgery
- Topper Nine Hold Eastern to 2-2 Tie
- Middle Tennessee Tracksters Beat Toppers
- Jimmy Feix Speaks to Physical Education Club
- Physical Education Club Picnic is May 12 at Reservoir Park
- Golf Team Wins Two Matches Loses One
- Jude Talbott to Coach Sacramento High Sports
- College High Wins Superior Speech Ratings
- Two Tourneys Set for Tops
- Topper Nine Win Over Middle Tennessee State
- Hillsdale Defeated
- Tennis Team Unbeaten in all Spring Contests
- Pershing Rifles Team Places 2nd in Regional Meet
- Art Club Elects Judy Terry 1960 President
Communication | Higher Education Administration | Journalism Studies | Mass Communication | Public Relations and Advertising | Social and Behavioral Sciences | Social History | Social Influence and Political Communication | Sociology | Sports Studies | United States History | Women's History
Recommended Citation
WKU Student Affairs, "UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 40, No. 12" (1960). WKU Archives Records. Paper 4634.
Included in
Higher Education Administration Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, Mass Communication Commons, Public Relations and Advertising Commons, Social History Commons, Social Influence and Political Communication Commons, Sociology Commons, Sports Studies Commons, United States History Commons, Women's History Commons