Publication Date
WKU campus newspaper reporting campus, athletic and Bowling Green, Kentucky news. Regular features include:
- Book Marks
- Religious News
- Hilltopics
- Musical Notes
- Social Activities Calendar
- Faculty Facts
- Society
- Looking Backward
- ROTC News
- Kentucky Building
This issue contains articles:
- Gerald Edds Named New Regent by Governor
- 38th Kentucky Education Association Breakfast Planned for April 22
- French Art is on Exhibit in Gallery
- Fellowships Now Total $24,250
- College Heights Herald Top Ranked Among U.S. College Newspapers
- Sunrise Service is April 17 in Stadium
- Rifle Team Awarded Trophy Permanently
- Concert Scheduled for April 24
- Ninth Science Grant Raises Total to $244,690
- West Kentucky Industrial Arts Meet is Tonight
- Western Grad Takes New State Post – William Bivin
- College High to Graduate Forty-Nine
- Production of Picnic is May 4, 5, and 6
- Roberts, Gary. Important Advertisers
- Spring is Here!
- To Go or Not to Go – Chapel
- Middleton, Sylvia. International Students Add Color to Campus
- Student National Education Association Elects John Foe Lehman Award Candidate
- Chemists Visit Western’s Department
- Marilyn Ashby Enters Courier-Journal Contest
- Guy W. Jones Named Scribner and Sons Vice President
- Dr. Karl Berns Speaks During Chapel
- Ornithological Meeting is Here May 22-24
- Science Majors to Aid in Program
- Folklore Hop Attracts Dancers for Contest
- College High Grad to Appear on College Bowl – Bell Stewart
- Student National Education Association to Send Thirty-Four to State Convention
- Herald Circulation Hits 3000
- Industrial Arts Meeting Held March 25-26
- 3000 Students Expected for Music Festival
- Senior Day Plans Completed for April 29
- Work Resumes on Dorm After Strike – West Hall
- Two Attend State Conference on Languages
- Former Teacher Named President of National Group – Lillian Johnson
- Dr. Thomas Clark to Speak at History Banquet
- National Education Association Workshop Explores Professional Teaching
- Western Grad Teaching in Korean School – Frank Groschelle
- Wood, Mary. Western Coed Acts as Miss Honey Krust – Alice Chumbley
- Evaluation Panel Ends National Education Association Workshop Thursday
- Pat Mastroleo Plays in U.S. Army Band
- Dr. D.K. Wilgus to Lecture at Harvard on Folklore
- College High Senior Makes High Math Score – Danny Boggs
- Choir Returns from Tour
- Topper Seniors Go on Red Cross Benefit Tour
- Dave Browning Wins Annual Varsity Varieties
- Wesleyan Nine Down Toppers Here 4-3
- University of Kentucky Names Ed Rutledge
- National Collegiate Athletic Association Release Topper Statistics
- Western Golfers Take First Two Matches
- Murray Thinlies Top Western in First Meet
- Al Ellison Takes Job at Park City
- Turner Elrod Coaches Track Team for 60 Season
- Gene Rhodes to Coach All-Stars
- Arts and Crafts Hear William Loy on April 17
- Marta Melendez to Sing in Stephen Foster Story at Bardstown
- College High Debaters in State Tourney
Communication | Higher Education Administration | Journalism Studies | Mass Communication | Public Relations and Advertising | Social and Behavioral Sciences | Social History | Social Influence and Political Communication | Sociology | Sports Studies | United States History | Women's History
Recommended Citation
WKU Student Affairs, "UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 40, No. 11" (1960). WKU Administration Documents. Paper 4635.
Included in
Higher Education Administration Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, Mass Communication Commons, Public Relations and Advertising Commons, Social History Commons, Social Influence and Political Communication Commons, Sociology Commons, Sports Studies Commons, United States History Commons, Women's History Commons