Publication Date
WKU campus newspaper reporting campus, athletic and Bowling Green, Kentucky news. Regular features include:
- Book Marks
- Hilltopics
- Looking Backward
- Social Activities Calendar
- Alumni News
- Sports Slants
- Faculty Facts
- Horoscope
- Religious News
- Intramural Corner
- Bowling
- Musically
This issue contains articles:
- Work is Underway on Garrett Conference Center
- Pi Sig Sorority Hosts Little 500
- Players Will Present The Boor Tomorrow
- Sylvia Terry, Darel Carrier Reign at Ball
- Pershing Rifles Publish Leader
- Superintendents Hold Conference in A-A Building
- Phi Mu Alpha Presents Spotlights on the Hill
- Greek Column – Kappa Sigma, Beta Alpha Rho, Beta Omega Chi, Kappa Delta Alpha, Beta Gamma Kappa, Pi Sigma Upsilon, Delta Sigma Delta
- Atlanta is Site of Alumni Meet
- Alpha Phi Omega Installed Service Fraternity Chapter
- Dr. Herbert Weaver Will Speak at Banquet
- Butt, Jo. Avoid the Rush
- Porter, Tod. A Day at the Derby Or Why I’m So Broke!
- Donald’s Dilemma
- Patty Griffis to Assume Duties as Sponsor
- Cadets Get Awards This Afternoon
- Read, Read, Read Freshmen Told by John M. Brown
- Faculty Wives to Hold Luncheon This Saturday
- Club-tivities – Western Players, Psychology, Muhlenberg County
- Miss Marjorie Clagett Studies Flowers
- Nine Seniors to Enter Medical Schools
- Western Sweeps Series Against Austin Peay
- Tops to Defend Ohio Valley Conference Net Crown
- Bowling Dinner Scheduled
- Linksmen Set to Battle Middle Tennessee State College for Ohio Valley Conference Golf Title
- Netters Win Two Matches, Lose One
- Harriers Topple Murray, Eastern
- Omicrons Win Horseshoe Tourney
Communication | Higher Education Administration | Journalism Studies | Mass Communication | Public Relations and Advertising | Social and Behavioral Sciences | Social History | Social Influence and Political Communication | Sociology | Sports Studies | United States History | Women's History
Recommended Citation
WKU Student Affairs, "UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 43, No. 24" (1964). WKU Archives Records. Paper 4665.
Included in
Higher Education Administration Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, Mass Communication Commons, Public Relations and Advertising Commons, Social History Commons, Social Influence and Political Communication Commons, Sociology Commons, Sports Studies Commons, United States History Commons, Women's History Commons