Publication Date
WKU campus newspaper reporting campus, athletic and Bowling Green, Kentucky news. This issue contains articles:
- Marissa Greene Reigns as Homecoming Queen
- Halicks, Richard. Swine Flu Vaccinations to be Given Tomorrow
- Minton, Don. Seals and Crofts Concert Sets Associated Student Government Back $3,800
- Minton, Don. Seals and Crofts Leave Crowd Calling Hogs – Happily
- Wolfe, Bill. School Supplies Differ in Price, Quality
- Eight Area Stores Surveyed for Nickel and Dime Difference
- Swine Flu Program: Injecting Some Facts
- Donaldson, David. Reader Calls Herald’s Coverage of Blacks ‘Degrading’
- Eldridge, Pam. Kentucky Museum Features Old-Time Remedies
- Ribar, Richard & Teresa Mears. Gallery Exhibit Includes Painting of Campus
- Archaeology Speech Set – Alfons Lengyel
- Eldridge, Pam. Withdrawal the Process is Complicated
- Student Arrested at Weekend Concert
- Mears, Teresa. Actor Relived Past in Role as Monk – Jim Simon
- Percussion, Jazz Groups Plan Concert Monday
- What’s Happening – Club News
- Wolfe, Bill. Garrett Post Office is Mail Dominated
- 3,525 Receive Deficiencies
- Stinnett, Roger. Distancemen Win Ohio Valley Conference Title as Chris Ridler, Dave Long ‘Nearly Tie’
- White, Don. Doug Batholomew Awakens Offense for Homecoming Win
- Huffman, Clyde. Platform Promises are Finally Realized
- Payton, Quenta. Female Runners Close Season
- Tops Win in Riflery, Soccer
- Jimmy Feix to Present Chalk Talk Tonight
Communication | Higher Education Administration | History | Journalism Studies | Mass Communication | Public Relations and Advertising | Social and Behavioral Sciences | Social History | Sociology | Sports Studies
Recommended Citation
WKU Student Affairs, "UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 52, No. 21" (1976). WKU Administration Documents. Paper 5345.
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Higher Education Administration Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, Mass Communication Commons, Public Relations and Advertising Commons, Social History Commons, Sociology Commons, Sports Studies Commons