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WKU Spirit Masters' booklet with photos and brief biographies of members.
- Artoul, Nasarin
- Bowling, Taylor
- Brand, Lizzie
- Brown, Kelvin
- Brown, McGavinn
- Bunnell, Matthew
- Chism, Brian
- Crutchfield, Ambriehl
- Currin, Chris
- DeLozier, Hayden
- Devore, Sherah
- Doose, Haley
- Fields, Sierra
- Garcia, Jonny
- Gossett, Hannah
- Greer, Ian
- Hall, Katherine aka KJ
- Hillenmeyer, Daniel
- Linder, Ellen
- Miller, David
- Mulert, Daniel
- Murray, Chelsea
- Murrell, Meredith
- Reed, Hannah
- Ruby, Taylor
- Shelton, LaRosa
- Suggs, Sarah
- Thompson, Ali
- Webb, Jordan
- Wigginton, Tori
- Wilson, McKenzie
Higher Education | Leadership Studies | Social and Behavioral Sciences
Recommended Citation
WKU Spirit Masters, "UA12/2/16 Spirit Masters Class of 2015-2016" (2015). WKU Archives Records. Paper 8500.