Publication Date
WKU campus newspaper reporting campus, athletic and Bowling Green, Kentucky news. This issue contains articles:
- Soapboxes Set for Rally Today – 1968 Presidential Election
- Tate, Jim. Renovation to House Facilities for New Speech Department – Gordon Wilson Hall
- Fall List Announced for Academic Honors
- William Menser Assumes Duties as Regent Board Member
- Declarations from Candidates Now Being Accepted for Offices – Student Government Association
- Greek Carnival Saturday to Boost Local Boys’ Club
- Sandra Brookover to Speak to Iva Scott Club
- Dr. Walter Storer to Show Slides of France – French Club
- Judo Club Meets Tonight
- Herman Lowe to Show Films – Spanish Club
- Student Wives Club
- Baptist Student Union Choir to Sing Folk Musical
- Delta Sigma Pi Announces Pledges
- Physics Project to Supply Data for Space Research
- Atomic Energy Commission Lecturer Here Tomorrow – Enzo Ricci
- Lyndon Johnson May be Listed as Great President
- Editorial Cartoon re: Bonnie & Clyde
- Governor Louie Nunn Praised for Veto
- Chelf, Carl. Clarifies Section 315 – Federal Communications Act
- Solley, George. Dropping ROTC Clears Conscience
- Goddard, Michael. Effect of Program Ruined – Al Capp Lecture
- Bennett, Ellen. Faculty Team Selected to Study County Schools
- Western Choir Concludes Three-Day Tour – Music
- Braden, Jan. Jolly Trolley Yields Answer to Local Transportation Blues
- Math Scientist to Present Talk – Harry Pollard
- Multerer, Mike. Bill Gove Speech Centered on Value Added Concept
- Students Back Eugene McCarthy
- John Adams Elected Chairman at Recent Southern Universities Student Government Association Confab
- Future Teachers Association Convention Set for Weekend
- Topper Trio No-Hits Campbellsville Nine – Baseball
- Baseball, Track at Home While Golf, Tennis Travel
- Western Leading All-Sports Race
- Netters Blank David Lipscomb, 9-0 – Tennis
- Draper, Chip. NCAA Ruling Forces Schools to Pick Competition Caliber
- Dickie Moore Collects 179 Yards, Sparks Offense to Victory – Football
- Schlageter, Herb. Linksmen Clip University of Kentucky, Fall Victim to Governors – Golf
- Weekend Tilts Pick 2 Tops; Wayne Chapman Out – Basketball
- Ratliff, Linda. Coed Net Team Schedules Match, Eastern Kentucky University Saturday – Tennis
- Schlageter, Herb. Softball Tournament to Begin Saturday
- State Musicians to Convene Here
African American Studies | Communication | Higher Education Administration | Journalism Studies | Mass Communication | Public Relations and Advertising | Race and Ethnicity | Race, Ethnicity and Post-Colonial Studies | Social and Behavioral Sciences | Sports Studies
Recommended Citation
WKU Student Affairs, "UA12/2/1 College Heights Herald, Vol. 47, No. 26" (1968). WKU Administration Documents. Paper 8998.
Included in
African American Studies Commons, Higher Education Administration Commons, Journalism Studies Commons, Mass Communication Commons, Public Relations and Advertising Commons, Race and Ethnicity Commons, Sports Studies Commons
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