English Faculty Book Gallery

Commutability: Stories About the Journey from Here to There
It's safe to say that every trip changes us in some way. We learn something as we travel. And the relationship between the distance traveled and the magnitude of the revelation need not be direct. A walk to the grocery store or up a long flight of steps can change us just as much as a visit to a foreign country. What matters is that we do change. It's one of the basic signs of life. Sentient creatures move. Cancer cells grow. Things fall apart.Which brings us to the title of this anthology: Commutability."Commute" and "ability." But also: Mutability. Prone to or capable of change.
The stories in this anthology cut across genre lines and introduce readers to a variety of experiences: Goats being used as shark bait. Skydiving. Stealing a boat during a zombie apocalypse. A farm where women--not cows--produce the milk. An awkward young man's fantasy encounter with the B-actress of his dreams. And the book features work by many of today's best authors including Ed Gorman, Sandra Scofield, Thomas F. Monteleone, Faye Moskowitz, Scott Nicholson, Eric Goodman, Norman Prentiss, Darrin Doyle, Kelcey Parker, Lisa Williams Kline, Yelizaveta P. Renfro, and many, many more.
Publication Date
Main Street Rag Publishing
Creative Writing | Fiction
Recommended Citation
Bell,, David editor and McCaffrey,, Molly editor, "Commutability: Stories About the Journey from Here to There" (2010). English Faculty Book Gallery. 1.
David Jack Bell and Molly McCaffrey met at Indiana University twenty years ago and still kind of like each other. They have lived in seven different states together, which is why they were interested in editing a collection of stories about people on the go. They both received Ph.D.s from the University of Cincinnati, and their stories, poems, and essays have been published in numerous books and magazines. Bell has also published two novels, The Girl in the Woods and The Condemned, and McCaffrey documents her life as a non-dieter on I Will Not Diet.