"Course Notebook" by Henry A. Russell

2017: Education



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Notebook used by H.A. Russell for English class. On the first page dated April 8, 1913 he has written the following under the heading Purposes of Study.

  1. To learn to speak and write the language correctly.
  2. To interpret the thought of a sentence.
  3. To know the science back of the language.
  4. To acquire mental discipline.

In this notebook Rev. Russell has diagrammed sentences, made notes regarding the classification of participles; methods of parsing; poetry and historical English. The book also includes class outlines for fifth through eighth grades. The book was also used to practice penmanship, make notes on Georgia state history, geography as well as physical education.

Rev. Russell was unable to complete his education at WKU, but did go on to be a teacher in Georgia and eventually an ordained Baptist minister.


Western Kentucky University


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