"Flu and Pneumonia Coverage" by Brandi W. Fruin, Cathy H. Abell et al.



Background: Population health is important in examining health outcomes of specific groups. The lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community is a vulnerable population continuing to endure health disparities.

Purpose: The purpose of this part of a larger study was to examine the self-reported flu/pneumonia coverage in individuals self-identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual, and/or transgender

Methodology: A purposeful sample and select items from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey were utilized.

Findings: Findings included almost half of respondents indicating obtaining a flu shot or vaccine and approximately one-fourth of the respondents reported receiving a pneumonia shot/vaccine.

Recommendations: Ongoing education and awareness regarding specific perspectives of this vulnerable population to support culturally sensitive care to everyone is important.

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