Editor's Note
Norman Dolch
Perspectives on Work/Life Balance: An Interview with Heather Carpenter
Jennifer Wade-Berg
Impact of American Humanics, an Undergraduate Competency-Based Nonprofit Program, on Alumni Career Paths
Stan Altman, Heather L. Carpenter, Laura Deitrick, SueAnn Strom, and Teresa A. VanHorn
Nonprofit Leadership Competencies are Learned and Reinforced through Innovative Service Learning Opportunities for College Students
Tink Lucy-Bouler and Thomas Lucy-Bouler
The Dydadic Relationship Between an Executive Director and Board Chair During Turbulent Times
Susan Neustrom, Virgin Carlin, and Paul Kimmelman
It Takes A Village
Naim Kapucu
All God's Angels: A Case Study in Leadership Transition
Theresa A. Ricke-Kiely and Andrea McMerty-Brummer
Book Review: The Power of Social Intervention
Hunter Phillips Goodman