Newsletter published by the Landmark Association; this local group advocates the preservation, protection and maintenance of architectural, cultural and archaeological resources in Bowling Green and Warren County, Kentucky.
Cultural Resource Management and Policy Analysis | Historic Preservation and Conservation | Public History
Recommended Citation
Kentucky Library Research Collections, "Landmark Report (Vol. 17, no. 3)" (1998). Landmark Report. Paper 71.
Included in
Cultural Resource Management and Policy Analysis Commons, Historic Preservation and Conservation Commons, Public History Commons
Volume enumeration varies and may not be sequential, topics included in this issue are
“Annual Dinner Meeting is a Sizzling Event!”
Architectural Details
“Kentucky Maid” by Lynn Niedermeier
“’Ho! For Drakes Creek’: WarrenCounty’s Shakers” by Donna Parker
“Drakes Creek”, Poem by J. C. Kirby
“Preservation Pearls” by Rick Voakes
Annual Meeting Scrapbook
“Vinyl and Aluminum Siding?”
“First Baptis tChurch, Richpond” by Lorna Thigpen
“Cover Stories” by Sandy Staebell