"Landmark Report (Vol. 20, no. 2)" by Kentucky Library Research Collections


Volume enumeration varies and may not be sequential, topics in this issue include:

The Kappa Delta House” by Andrew Lee and Jonathan Word


Architectural Details

“Downtown Revitalization is a Boom”

“Richard Neal Reneau (1944-2001), Collector” by Jonathan Jeffrey

“That’s Life”, Poem by Paul E. Freiling

“New/Old City Directory Found”

“Costly Decisions”

“Historic Homeownership Assistance Act (HHAA)”

“Ida Lee Willis Memorial Foundation Awards”

Annual Meeting Scrapbook


Newsletter published by the Landmark Association; this local group advocates the preservation, protection and maintenance of architectural, cultural and archaeological resources in Bowling Green and Warren County, Kentucky.


Cultural Resource Management and Policy Analysis | Historic Preservation and Conservation | Public History
