Operation Comics #7: It All Adds Up


This is the seventh of a series of comics that embed mathematics appropriate for grades 4 through 6 in story told in comic book format. Hard copies of the comic are available at www.operationcomics.com. For more information on the origin and goals of this comic, see the pre-print of the paper "Comic Books That Teach Mathematics" at http://works.bepress.com/bruce_kessler/8. In this seventh issue, Wonderguy, with Claire and Dillon in tow, tries to do a good deed for a trucking company, but soon find themselves in danger and trapped in a situation that prevents Wonderguy from stopping a crime. It's up to Claire and Dillon to use their mathematical reasoning skills to provide a solution to the problem. In this issue, the mathematical concepts of the arithmetic mean, multiplying positive and negative numbers, and additive inverses are discussed. Also, the science topics of genetics and dominant/recessive genes are discussed.


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