
Kenesha Johnson


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College Heights Herald article regarding Melissa Hartsfield being named Miss Black Western.

From the moment they took the stage Thursday, there was nonstop applause for the 12 contestants of the 29th annual Miss Black Western Gala.

The women were judged in categories like evening wear, personal narratives and talent. In the talent portion they did everything from spiritual dancing to singing.

At the end of the long night, Paducah sophomore Melissa Hartsfield was crowned the new Miss Black Western.

In the talent portion of the program, Hartsfield did a passionate monologue about a tragedy resulting from drunk driving. She combined acting and singing, creating a show stopping performance.

"I couldn't believe it," Hartsfield said. "I am so happy I did this because it gave me a chance to get to know all of the other wonderful contestants."

Second runner-up Aaron Taste, a sophomore from Eutawville, S.C., said she liked her experience in the pageant.

"Crown or no crown; it was all worth it, every bit of it," Taste said.

After every performance, there was a roar of standing . . .


Western Kentucky University, Beauty Contests, Beauty Queens, African Americans, Blacks


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