Engaging RN-To-BSN Students in Medical Reserve Corps Training


The events that occurred on September 11, 2001, changed the lives of many Americans. This disaster influenced nursing education by bringing attention to the need for disaster preparation for nurses. The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) noted nine Essentials to describe outcomes expected of baccalaureate-prepared nurses (AACN, 2008; Culley, 2010). Of the nine Essentials, both Essential VII and Essential IX reference the importance of knowledge regarding emergency preparedness (AACN, 2008; Culley, 2010). Thus, nurse educators are being challenged to find ways to include this topic in the nursing curriculum. This article describes a unique partnership between nursing faculty and experts in the community to engage students in Medical Reserve Corps (MRC) training.


Nursing | Public Health and Community Nursing
