"Warren County, Kentucky Hazardous Materials Commodity Flow Analysis" by Dr. Ritchie D. Taylor, Dr. Vijay Golla et al.


This report presents the results of a Commodity Flow Analysis of Hazardous Materials for I-65 and the William H. Natcher Parkway conducted by Western Kentucky University in partnership with the Warren County (Kentucky) Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC). Kentucky counties within the study area include Warren, Simpson, Edmonson, Butler, Barren, and Hart. Figure 1 shows the sections of I-65 and Natcher Parkway that run through these counties. The purpose of our report is to give information on patterns of hazardous materials being transported along I-65 and Natcher Parkway as observed from May 24th 2010 to June 18th 2010. A secondary purpose is to summarize incidents involving hazardous materials over the previous ten years (January 2001-2009). Finally, this report assesses survey information collected from fixed facilities that ship and receive hazardous materials in the I-65 and Natcher Parkway corridors. Commodity flow analysis is necessary in order for the LEPC to prepare for future hazardous material releases that may occur along this section of I-65 and Natcher Parkway. Data collected from this study will aid the emergency planning process for specific hazardous materials that were observed to frequent the study area during the study period.


Environmental Public Health | Public Health
