Ray Family Papers
History | Nonfiction | Other Rhetoric and Composition | Public History
Recommended Citation
Department of Library Special Collections, "1935 Ray Family Papers" (1935). Ray Family Papers. Paper 8.
Ray Family Collection Manuscripts & Folklife Archives Western Kentucky University
This list indicates authors of unsigned letters.
Virginia Ray Harman
Feb. 1, 1935
Because of the handwriting, this letter was obviously written by Virginia Ray Harman.
Joseph M. Ray
Feb. 4, 1935
Because of the context of this letter, it was obviously written by Joe M. Ray
Amy Eleanor Ray
Feb. 25, 1935
Because of the handwriting and context, this letter was obviously written by Eleanor Ray.
Virginia Ray Harman
Apr. 4, 1935
Because of the stationery and handwriting, this letter was obviously written by Virginia Ray Harman.
Ruby Ray (MacDonald)
1935 [This undated letter is toward the end of the 1935 letters.]
Because of the handwriting, this letter was obviously written by Ruby Ray.