Mahurin Honors College Capstone Experience/Thesis Projects



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Advertisements in the media have been scrutinized because of their continuous stereotypical depictions of unrealistic or idealized pictures of people (Richins, 1991). This scrutiny is based on the view that consumers will see these idealized images in the media and either consciously or unconsciously compare themselves to these images. In particular, it is suggested that thin and beautiful female models in advertisements have created dissatisfaction among women in relation to their bodies, a situation that may result in unhealthy practices such as eating disorders. This idea that idealized images in advertisements create body dissatisfaction has been widely examined in female populations but is virtually unexamined in male populations. This lack of research on males is, in part, the result of the prevailing myth that men are unaffected bu their actual or perceived body shape or size.

Advisor(s) or Committee Chair

Dr. Frederick Grieve


Social and Behavioral Sciences
