"Muscle Dysmorphia and Athletic Identity" by Taylor McGohan

Mahurin Honors College Capstone Experience/Thesis Projects



Document Type



Society is creating a stronger importance for men to have muscular physiques. Therefore, increasing the dissatisfaction men have with their bodies and perceptions of body image. The current study assesses the possible relationship between muscle dysmorphia and athletic identity. As well as a relationship between lifting time and athletic identity. Participants for the current study took three different self-reported surveys to measure demographics, exercise history, level of athletic identity, and possible symptoms of muscle dysmorphia. It was hypothesized that those with strong athletic identities also have a stronger desire to gain muscle mass, increasing likelihood of displaying muscle dysmorphia symptoms. Secondly, individuals with strong athletic identities will also have a more frequent weight lifting time. There were no significant results of a strong relationship between muscle dysmorphia and athletic identity. However, a significant relationship was found between lifting time and athletic identity, as well as lifting time and muscle dysmorphia symptoms.

Advisor(s) or Committee Chair

Frederic Greive


Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms | Medicine and Health Sciences | Psychiatry and Psychology | Psychological Phenomena and Processes
