"27 Floors of Support: Effectively Advertising Campus Resources to Coll" by Amanda Peerce

Mahurin Honors College Capstone Experience/Thesis Projects


School of Journalism and Broadcasting

Document Type



College campuses provide a large variety of resources to college students to help ensure their well-being and success; however, students cannot utilize these resources if they do not know they exist. While there has been extensive research on the importance and efficacy of resources on college campuses, not as much research has been done on how to advertise these services to college students. The goal of this project is to create and assess the efficacy of a campaign educating and encouraging students to seek out campus resources in times of need. This project focuses primarily on promoting resources to first-year female students that live within Pearce-Ford Tower at Western Kentucky University. Students were given an anonymous survey that asked about their knowledge and comfort levels utilizing various campus resources. From this data, a campaign entitled “27 Floors of Support” was created. Surveys were then redistributed, collected, and analyzed at the end of this campaign to access its efficacy. This research yields practical insights into how Student Affairs professionals might successfully promote an array of campus resources to students. Providing students with information about such resources is important both for retention and college students’ well being.

Advisor(s) or Committee Chair

Dr. Alexander Olson


Advertising and Promotion Management | Higher Education | Public Relations and Advertising
