"UA1C11/105/12 Phi Mu Composite" by Phi Mu


Phi Mu


Phi Mu Sorority top row l to r: Marian Looney, Janetsue West, Pam Jeter, Elaine Howard, Carla Mackey, Missy Whitely, Jessica Rappaport, Carole Ware, Dawn Gowens, Susan Tingle. 2nd row l to r: Angie Sawyer, Lynn Stone, Pam Logsdon, Kris Patton, Cindy Strine, Kathy Rohleder, Amy Houston, Karen Kirsch, Audrey Dillmann. 3rd row l to r: Gayle Kindred, Jane Mercer, Sandy Morrison, Nancy Kniffen, Lorri Burchett, Heidi Kjellmark, Lesley Shelton, Lisa Vittitow. 4th row l to r: Ellen Ennis, Cathy Caldwell, Jennifer Daum, Kim Rockwell, Tracy Firkins, Jennifer Willard. 5th row l to r: Leslie Allen, Julia Barry, Lori Beshears, Nancy Babcock, Jenny Talbott, Tracey Stigletts, Theresa Osborne, Karen Dillmann, Laura Schroh, Amy Anderson. 6th row l to r: Michele Woolf, Melody Morris, Laura Dawson, Debbie Kirsch, Sandra Sturgeon, Paula Weglarz, Darlene Bingham, Marcy Goodman, Kelly Maynard.


