"UA1C11/105/36 Phi Mu Composite" by Phi Mu


Phi Mu


Phi Mu Sorority top row l to r: Abby Blandford, Chelsea Reed, Shelby Nitzken, Morgan Temple, Atalie Maxwell, Brandi Ratterman, Allison Teta, Makenze Evans, Brenna Duncan, Natalie Mullins, Sarah Weber, Chelsea Scherer, Elizabeth Barnard. 2nd row l to r: Maggie Ballard, Katie Basham, Madison Beach, Haley Cummins, Mary Johnson, Ashley Kelly, Elizabeth Pickens, Katie Pollard. 3rd row l to r: Emily Pribble, Christina Simpson, Emiley Smiley, Christina Abney, Chelsea Barrett, Sarah Browning, Hanna DeSpain, Laura Ellis, Jasmine Finta-Obee, Michelle Fry. 4th row l to r: Jordan Morton, Caitlin Muller, Laura Niewoehner, Lauren Pollock, Shelby Shelton, Katie Snedegar, Jorden Stallings, Allison Steen, Keely Stout, Hailey Strickland, Emily Taylor, Amber Turner, Hannah Williams, Sara Colvin, Leah Doster. 5th row l to r: Ashley Manley, Amanda Thomas, Jennifer Zinger, Meghan Baumgartner, Allison Diehl, Kylie Foushee, Cassidy Haley, Leah Hotchkiss, Alyson Manley, Claudia Nunez, Tori Royster, Kristin Searcy, Lindsay Sexton, Shelby Steblein, Amber Stephenson. 6th row l to r: Ashton Wheeles, Erin Charles, Hannah Cope, Dana Echert, Alexis Linn, Mary Music, Stacey Riggle, Sydney Anderson, Dalice Ballou, Laura Banks, Caitlin Belcher, Frankie Boyette, Morgan Buttrey, Gabriella Crofford, Magean Davis. 7th row l to r: Frankie DeVita, Sarah Dyar, Emily Gerard, Gretchen Gessner, Ashlee Gregory, Lauren Haynes, Emily Hightower, Hanna Jobes, Kelley King, Isabelle LaBarge, Abby Lancaster, Katlyn Logsdon, Brooke McClain, Carsen Murt, Samantha Reams. 8th row l to r: Chloe Rhodes, Haley Rogers, Payton Taylor, Nicole Thieneman, Sarah Tomlin, Caroline Alexander, Claire Arant, Kristina Johnson, Hanna Philpot, Mallory Runnels, Oliva Sheaffer, Margaret Shelton.


Photography | Social and Behavioral Sciences
