School of Teacher Education | Western Kentucky University Research | TopSCHOLAR®

School of Teacher Education

Interim Director: Dr. Susan Keesey

The School of Teacher Education prepares students to serve as reflective decision makers in instructional settings for diverse learners. The professional education unit is a community of learners committed to life-long learning in their own lives, as well as fostering a spirit of inquiry in the lives of others. Professional education faculty members provide a dynamic, intellectually stimulating environment that reflects current knowledge of how individuals learn and the best instructional practices to facilitate learning and development.

Redesigned programs in the school include curricula that are designed to address student learning from a holistic perspective and incorporate knowledge and skills from multiple disciplines and across all levels of the P-12 educational settings. Initial and advanced teacher candidates will work with students from varied backgrounds who possess a wide range of experiences and differing needs.

The mission of professional education at Western Kentucky University is to provide high quality undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs that prepare teachers and other education personnel to facilitate the learning of all P-12 students at high levels and to implement best practices in schooling through collaboration with colleagues, families, community members, and support agencies. The School of Teacher Education provides structures that will facilitate the modeling of best practice and the development and delivery of programs that are aligned with the needs of P-12 educational settings.


Browse the School of Teacher Education Collections:

School of Teacher Education Annual Summer Conference

School of Teacher Education Faculty Publications & Presentations