"A Situational Assessment of Student Leadership: An Evaluation of Alter" by Patricia Slack

Publication Date


Advisor(s) - Committee Chair

Dr. Elizabeth Shoenfelt (Director), Dr. Reagan Brown, Dr. Jacqueline Pope-Tarrence

Degree Program

Department of Psychology

Degree Type

Master of Arts, Industrial/Organization Psychology


The Situational Assessment of Leadership: Student Assessment (SALSA©) was developed in the spring of 2009 to be used as a measure of student leadership. Study 1 assessed alternate forms reliability of the SALSA using scores from 178 students. The overall scores on SALSA Form A and SALSA Form B showed a significant correlation (rAB = .906, p < .01). Dimension scores on the two forms ranged from rAB = .475 to rAB = .804. Study 2 evaluated the convergent validity between the SALSA and the Western Kentucky University Center for Leadership Excellence assessment center. SALSA scores as well as assessment scores from 53 students were analyzed. The overall scores on the SALSA and CLE assessment center had a significant yet moderate correlation (r = .513). Dimension correlations were significant but low, ranging from r = .310 to r = .392. The strong correlations in Study 1 indicate the two forms of the SALSA may be used as alternate measures such as in a pre and post-test of leadership. The convergent validities in Study 2 demonstrate that both the SALSA and assessment center may be used to assess leadership. However, the low convergent validities across dimensions indicate overall scores likely should be used rather than dimension scores.


Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research | Industrial and Organizational Psychology
