"Benjamin Orr Peers: Educator" by Auguston Page


Auguston Page

Publication Date


Advisor(s) - Committee Chair

Lee Jones, Arndt Stickles, Finley Grise

Degree Program

School of Teacher Education

Degree Type

Master of Arts


The purpose of this study is to bring to the attention of the public the contributions of Benjamin Orr Peers and to show his influence on the development of our present public school system in Kentucky.

Material, other than secondary, has been scarce and widely scattered. The greater part of the source material was found in the Transylvania Library, Lexington, Kentucky, and in the private collection of Miss Mary O. Gray, Louisville, Kentucky. Some valuable information was obtained in each of the following places: Paris, Lexington, Louisville, Frankfort and Bowling Green.


Education | Educational Administration and Supervision | Educational Leadership | History | United States History
