"An Experimental Study of the Effects of Required Homework Review Versu" by Dolores Dick

Publication Date


Advisor(s) - Committee Chair

James Kopar, Eugene Harryman, Wilburn Jones

Degree Program

School of Teacher Education

Degree Type

Education Specialist


During the 1979-80 school year, two Algebra I classes were involved in a study to test the effects of two methods for reviewing homework problems on students' achievements and attitudes. One review procedure was to solve and explain each problem during the class period that followed the class period in which the homework assignment had been made. The other procedure involved solving and explaining only the problems that students requested to have reviewed. While one procedure was being used with one class, the other procedure was being used with the comparison class. One treatment procedure was used with a class until a unit of work was completed. After a unit was completed a teacher-made, achievement test was administered to the students in both classes. The raw scores were normalized with a mean of fifty and a standard deviation of ten. At the beginning of the next unit the review procedures were alternated between the two classes. The two classes covered fourteen units during the experimental period.

At the conclusion of the study, each student had fourteen normalized achievement scores on record. The scores were the basis for testing the following: the effect of the review procedures on achievement within each class and the effect of the review procedures on achievement between classes.

A survey to obtain the attitudes of students toward the two procedures was conducted at the conclusion of the experimental period.

There was no significant difference in achievement between treatments for either class.

There was no significant difference in achievement between classes when using different review procedures.

Students preferred to review only homework problems they requested.

The following conclusions were based upon the findings of this study. Homework appears necessary for the attainment of desirable proficiency in Algebra I classes. The method of reviewing homework should be a combination of reviewing all of the homework assigned and reviewing only the problems that are requested by students. The difficulty of the topics and the interest of the students should be the bases for the teacher's decision regarding which review method should be used for any specific homework assignment.


Curriculum and Instruction | Education | Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research | Educational Methods | Junior High, Intermediate, Middle School Education and Teaching | Science and Mathematics Education | Secondary Education | Teacher Education and Professional Development
