"The Edifying Influence of Soren Kierkegaard" by Alan Dunn

Publication Date


Advisor(s) - Committee Chair

Ronald Nash, Robert Johnston, Robert Roberts

Degree Program

Department of Philosophy & Religion

Degree Type

Master of Arts


Soren Kierkegaard is presented as a Christian corrective to nineteenth century idealism. The nature of idealism is described as it arises in Hegelianism, the ecclesiastical structure, and the cultural setting. The Hegelian ontology of "pure thought," the principle of "mediation," and the striving for "objectivity" are presented as the fundamental obstacles to the assimilation of Christianity. Kierkegaard approaches these issues maieutically. This method is discussed as it relates to the author and his works. The stages of existence (i.e. Aesthetic, Ethical, Religiousness A, and Religiousness B) are described in relation to Kierkegaard's maieutical approach. Kierkegaard's Christological concern is discussed. Comments are directed to his presentation of God and his view of the historical approach. Christ is presented as the "paradox," "absurdity," and "offense." The nature of Christian existence is described as it relates to ^hrist in contemporaneity and the overcoming of offense in faith.


Arts and Humanities | History of Philosophy | Philosophy | Religion | Religious Thought, Theology and Philosophy of Religion
