"Alabama's Segregation Academies: A Geographic Analysis of Enrollment D" by Frederick Mader

Publication Date


Advisor(s) - Committee Chair

Mark Lowery II, Wayne Hoffman, James Bingham

Degree Program

Department of Geography and Geology

Degree Type

Master of Science


The purpose of this research has been to document and analyze the pattern of declining segregation academy enrollment in Alabama prior to 1975. Segregation academy enrollment grew steadily until the 1971-1972 school year. Since that time, a decrease in enrollment has occurred. The lack of adequate documentation and analysis pointed to a need for this research. In August, 1975, the 126 public school superintendents in Alabama were asked to provide information concerning segregation academies in their school districts via a mailed questionnaire. The instrument consisted of an inventory sheet, to accumulate data concerning the extent and type of private academy development from 1967 to 1975, and a series of eight attitudinal items designed to obtain information concerning the demise and social impact of private academies. A review of relevant literature resulted in the formulation of six research hypotheses. Contingency table analysis and map comparison were employed in the testing of hypotheses. Enrollment decline was found to have been greatest in the south, yet rates vary from county to county. Decline in the north has been much less substantial. Enrollment decline was found to be significantly associated with income and education discrepancies between the races. Regional trends of the independent variables are discussed and related to the pattern of enrollment decline.


Geography | Human Geography | Social and Behavioral Sciences
