"The Effect of Self-Knowledge of IQ Score on Academic Self-Concept in C" by Brian Piispanen

Publication Date


Advisor(s) - Committee Chair

Harry Robe, Sam McFarland, Daniel Roenker

Degree Program

Department of Psychology

Degree Type

Master of Arts


This study was conducted to examine the effects of self-knowledge of IQ on the academic self-concept of college students. More specifically, the effects of confirmation or disconfirmation of one's expectation of IQ score were investigated. After predicting what their IQ scores would be, 93 undergraduates from Introduction to Psychology classes at Western Kentucky University were administered the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale (Form L-M). After the subjects were told their obtained IQ scores, they were given the Academic Choices Questionnaire (ACQ), an instrument specifically created for this study to measure academic self-concept. The experimental group was divided into four groups: 1) those who overestimated their obtained IQs, 2) those who underestimated, 3) those who were exact in their estimation, and 4) those who were given the ACQ before they found out their IQ scores. The control group consisted of 214 W.K.U. undergraduates on which the ACQ was normed. No significant differences on the ACQ were found between the experimental and control groups. Thus, self-knowledge of IQ had no immediate or discernible effect on the academic self-concept of college students.


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