"Impact of the Educational & Life Planning Course on Undecided Students" by Diana Shores

Publication Date


Advisor(s) - Committee Chair

Stephen Schnacke, Dwight Cline, Emmett Burkeen

Degree Program

Educational Leadership

Degree Type

Education Specialist


The purpose of this project was to establish a working model for a longitudinal evaluation of the effectiveness of the "Educational and Life Planning" (CNS ED 100) course at Western Kentucky University. This study, entitled "CELPS," was an action project designed to serve as a model for the establishment of a data bank against which future efficacy studies could be made by the faculty. A pilot study of 80 CNS ED 100 students was conducted to test the CELPS model described in this paper and also to provide preliminary information about the effectiveness of the "Educational and Life Planning" course. However, this was clearly secondary to the purpose of methodological development and testing. Five instruments were designed, a code book was developed, and all data collected were sent to the computer center on the coded forms to establish a data bank on the mainframe computer. Hand transfer of the raw data to the computer sheets was found to be an inefficient way to send data to the computer center; as a result, the forms were revised to allow for direct data entry to the computer which will ensure greater efficiency and reliability. Initial results of the pilot study were presented in tabular form. Because this pilot study was merely descriptive no tests of statistical significance were calculated. These results served only to show that CELPS was in fact a working model. Recommendations were suggested to the Counselor Education faculty regarding the administration of this longitudinal study over the next six years.


Education | Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research | Educational Leadership | Student Counseling and Personnel Services
