Publication Date


Advisor(s) - Committee Chair

Joe Winstead, Gary Dillard, Elmer Gray

Degree Program

Department of Biology

Degree Type

Master of Science


1. Comparisons of the mean weight per hundred fruits of fourteen populations demonstrate a definite cline, seed originating from the northern habitats being heavier.

2. The fruit length, wing length and total length of the fruit material from thirteen populations increases with increase in latitude.

3. The average caloric value for all populations tested was 5,092 +/- 165 calories per gram. Due to the heavier weight of the fruit from the northern provinces, an higher energy content per fruit is indicated with increase in latitude.

4. Stratification and germination tests separate the populations into two large geographical groups with the northern populations germinating at the colder (4-5 C) temperatures and the southern populations requiring longer stratification periods and warmer germination temperatures.

5. Removal of the pericarp induces germination. Stratification of the depericarped material increases the germination capacity.

6. There is an highly water soluble inhibitor (probably abscisic acid) in both the pericarp and embryo tissues.


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