"Simulated Response Patterns on the Ben Sex-Role Inventory and the PRF " by Jane Fisher


Jane Fisher

Publication Date


Advisor(s) - Committee Chair

Retta E. Poe, Lola E., Layne, and Daniel L. Roenker


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Degree Program

Department of Psychology

Degree Type

Master of Arts


Literature on the development of sex-roles and androgyny, conceptualization and measurement of sex-roles, and response set bias and validity was reviewed. Since no research had been reported previously on the susceptibility of the Ben Sex-Role Inventory or the PRF ANDRO scale (IDI form) to response net stimulation, the present study was undertaken. Both inventories were administered to 76 undergraduate women who were enrolled in freshmen level psychology courses at Western Kentucky University in Bowling Green, Kentucky. One group of subjects completed the inventories following standard procedures. A second group completed the inventories after being instructed to follow a role-play situation which was designed to represent the beliefs of a “traditional” woman. The third group completed the inventories after being instructed to follow a role-play situation which was designed to represent the beliefs of a “nontraditional” woman. The results indicated that both the Bem Sex-Role Inventory and the PRF ANDRO scale (IDI form) may be susceptible to response set simulation. Possible Interpretations of the data were suggested, and implications of the results were discussed. Finally, directions for future research were proposed.


Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies | Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies | Psychology | Social and Behavioral Sciences | Social Psychology | Women's Studies
