Publication Date


Advisor(s) - Committee Chair

Douglas Smith, Seth Farley, Ronald Adams


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Degree Program

Educational Leadership

Degree Type

Specialist in Education


The purpose of this investigation was to examine the relative importance of social factors and perceived problem areas of basic trainees in relation to a specific performance criterion--the completion of six weeks of basic combat training at Fort Knox, Kentucky. Samples were taken from four populations: basic trainees who completed basic training and were never interviewed by the staff at the Fort Knox Community Mental Health Activity; basic trainees who received counseling and who adjusted; basic trainees who failed to adjust to the military as evidenced by their being discharged; and, basic trainees who were recommended for separation by Community Mental Health Activity and were subsequently discharged from the Army. Data from the Social History forms were analyzed through the use of the multivariate nominal scale analysis technique and discriminate analysis. The variables age and educational level revealed no predictable difference between populations. Through the multivariate nominal scale analysis technique, it was possible to correctly predict group membership in sixty-three percent of the cases utilizing forty variables, and in sixty-one percent of the cases utilizing ten variables.


Adult and Continuing Education | Defense and Security Studies | Education | Military and Veterans Studies | Public Affairs, Public Policy and Public Administration
