"A Unit History of the 94th Pursuit Squadron, March 5, 1917 to May 5, 1" by Roy Houchin II


Roy Houchin II

Publication Date


Advisor(s) - Committee Chair

Jack Thacker, Francis Thompson, James Bennett


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Degree Program

Department of History

Degree Type

Master of Arts


The 94th’s training and combat operations offer a rare collection of historical data. Since the 94th was America’s first Pursuit Squadron, it confronted situations and difficulties unique to its historical position. The experience gained during independent operations with the French VIII Army was invaluable to the survival of their predecessors. The 94th’s reactions and resolutions became the norm for American pursuit squadrons, in the skies of the First World War.


Arts and Humanities | History | Military and Veterans Studies | Military History | Public Affairs, Public Policy and Public Administration
