"“. . . An’ the Whole Nine Yards.”: An Ethnography of a Kentucky Gunsmi" by Michael Korn


Michael Korn

Publication Date


Advisor(s) - Committee Chair

Bob Teske, Lynwood Montell, Frank Pittman


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Original department Folk & Intercultural Studies

Degree Program

Department of Folk Studies and Anthropology

Degree Type

Master of Arts


A gunsmith from western Kentucky is observed in light of cultural, aesthetic, technical and traditional aspects involved in his work. The cultural context of hunting culture in the region is explored with an emphasis on the importance of the gunsmith’s shop as a performance context for folk narratives. The process of building a custom rifle is documented as well as the technical and aesthetic variables from which the gunsmith renders his products. The gunsmith is shown as a folk craftsman whose trade dates back to colonial America, but whose methods and materials are contemporary.


Anthropology | Folklore | Social and Behavioral Sciences | Social and Cultural Anthropology
